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Earn Money with admitad afiliate Network

Earn Money with admittad afiliate Network

 Admitad Affiliate Network

The Admitad company was founded by Alexander Bachmann on 1 October 2009 and officially launched on 1 March 2010. Advertisers such as AliExpress,, GearBest, Qatar Airways, ASOS, Papa John's, and many others, entrust Admitad with the management of their affiliate programs.

How to become A Publisher In Admittad affiliate network?

So you've made up your mind to join the affiliate network as a publisher, ready to start making money. You need a business model first of all (better not one). What's the business model?

Let's pretend that the business model is a system made up of three key components. We should look at all the elements as if we look at them individually, we're not going to understand how anything works and how business models become effective.

Product that we are going to sell.

There is a wide variety of resources available in the affiliate networks (in the network Admitad you can find them in the section "All programs"). In the program summary, you will find all the important details about the program: which company it is, what it does/sells, what action it needs (sale or lead, download, subscription), the rate that will indicate how much you will receive for a single action. You can also notice certain special requirements, such as the exact range of age of the audience or just a certain area of promotion (i.e. only Europe of U.S.). Advertisers have the right to choose which traffic sources or resources to be used to advertise their products, and to choose which publisher can join their bid as well. The analysis portion of the software also contains average statistics. It shows the conversion rate, how many orders are normally accepted, how many customers purchased the product after clicking on the link, and much more analysis detail.

Choosing the right offer can be a difficult decision for an inexperienced publisher, there are several attributes on which you can select an offer: based on the incentive rate (if you want to make money either by selling a few expensive goods or a lot of cheap ones); on traffic sources or resources (i.e. advertisers want to draw traffic only from Youtube and you have a channel), on statistics (conversion or approva) But to be frank, we always recommend that you select the deal in line with your interests: if you want to play video games, check the gaming deals, if you like makeup, choose the "Beauty and Health" offer portion. The explanation why we make such a suggestion is clear – if you know the product you are marketing and its target audience, it will be far simpler for you to select the right methods and means of promotion.

Advertising space 

Where you are going to draw the target consumer to the product. Before selecting the advertising space, ask yourself a few basic questions: which ad spaces do you know? Can you afford to promote it? Where can you find the target audience for the goods you promote? Which area would be the most common among potential customers? And which space is going to be the easiest to boost? In short, the advertising space is a location on the internet where you post your affiliate connection. Here is a list of the most popular advertising spaces among publishers:
  • Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, VKontakte or social networks which are used in your country),
  • Messengers  (WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, Telegram, Facebook Messenger),
  • Websites (Online shops of goods and services, Blogs, Forums, Information portals, Doorways, Landing pages, Prelanding pages,  Adult 18+ websites),
  • E-Mails,
  • Contextual notifications,
  • Applications (applications and games),
  • Web extensions (toolbars, bookmarks).


Visitors/subscribers/video viewers to your website that you draw. It's essentially the amount of people who have seen your advertisement link in your advertising space. The more important (interesting to your audience) content you publish, the more people you click on your link. Here is a list of networks that can be traffic sources and advertising spaces at the same time:
  • E-Mails,
  • Contextual advertising (including on brand),
  • SMM,
  • Push-notification,
  • SEO optimization,
  • Teaser networks,
  • Co-registration,
  • SMS-sendings,
  • API traffic,
  • Managing wrong traffic.
As we can see, there are three key elements of a successful business model: enticing offer + convenient advertising space + traffic. Your job is to make it look so good that everybody wants it, and to upload it to the space where most of your audience can see it. Below are the most common business models that help publishers earn money:
  • Cashback (you give back part of cost of purchase),
  • Comparison websites (on one website you display different prices for one product from different offers),
  • Review website (you ask if people like some product and post its link. Other people leave comments how much they like it and how happy they are that they have bought it),
  • Goods recommendations (in addition to purchase, complementary goods),
  • Goods and services catalogues (website where people can find different goods or services, but in order to buy them, they are transferred to go to online shop website),
  • Loyalty programs (promo codes, coupons, discounts which customers can get if they click the affiliate link),
  • Sale of certain goods (you attach link to some certain product, and then you can paste this link in text or wherever you need),
  • Arbitrage (you pay for advertisements at some spaces less than advertiser will pay you for actions, thus you earn from the difference of these costs),
  • Retargeting (suggestion to the customer to come back to the cart and finish his/her purchase),
  • Content projects (blogs, forums, reviews, articles  — useful information in text, video or photo formats with attached links to them),
  • White label (possibility to open someone’s online service on your advertising space).
There are many more market models that publishers use to gain with CPA. Such models have arisen as a result of various combinations of products and advertising spaces and, of course, as a result of a great deal of effort, research and hard work by publishers. We assume that a lot more can be achieved, so you can try to come up with your own efficient business model that will be used by many publishers later.

Many additional technical resources have been developed to enable publishers to ease their work. Here's a list of tools like this:
  • for work with links (DeepLink, ShortLink, SubID, Moneylink, links tester, broken links),
  •  or posting text and graphic materials (banners, ad server, teasers, widgets, CPA-buttons, Pop-Up, Pop-Under, Click-Under, interactive Pop-banners),
  • for work with catalogues (XML-feed),
  •  for work with videos and photos (photo tags and integrating links for  videos),
Let's take a look at how it works: potential consumer sees your link and chooses to click it, forwards it to the advertiser's website and performs the appropriate action (purchase/subscribe, etc.). The advertiser has acknowledged this action and pays for it. The more customers take the necessary action, the more you get paid. Here are a few suggestions about what you can do to increase the amount of actions: 
  1. make the deal so enticing that consumers are crazy about clicking and purchasing what is being advertised, 
  2. make sure that the advertisement space is secure, 
  3. increase the number of people who visit your advertising space.
You're expected to do all this at once in order to get a good result.

Tips to Increase your income in Admittad Affiliate Network.

Let's imagine that we live in a perfect universe, and at the beginning of December, one of your secret networks tells you that golden coats will be trendy in some time. You'll collect all the golden coats on one pretty landing page and call it, then start contextual ads for the "golden coat" order. Your hidden source was right, and one perfect morning the Kardashian family, Donald Trump and his wife seem to be wearing golden coats, and everybody agrees to purchase them. Start browsing and visiting your page, click the affiliate links, and order the coats on the websites of advertisers whose links you've posted. As a result, you're making a lot of money.

Now let’s look at it in details. Looks perfect, doesn’t it?

  • Chosen product is in trend and has strict features (golden coat) but it is still easy to find a few deals with this product (golden coats by different brands). Plus, it's the best season to encourage winter coats – the beginning of winter.
  • Chosen advertising space is also important to the marketing of the product: a nice landing page that can be produced in one day using free forms. The page helps you to view several items at once and compare their prices, which is of great benefit to consumers.
  • Attraction of the related traffic to the advertising space is very fast and cheap. You introduce contextual ads for the words "golden coat," "purchase gold coat" and similar word combinations. As you knew in advance that the golden coats would be trendy, you began the promotion campaign earlier than most, so your idea is exceptional. Owing to the high demand for the jackets, people can come to your website and click various links. The search engines believe that your website is useful and pushes it higher in the search results. And let's be honest, it's not likely that there are a lot of websites devoted to golden coats on the internet.
A successful mix of product, advertisement and traffic has resulted in strong sales. But, sadly, we're not living in the ideal universe, and this situation has been made up. In fact, it's hard to predict what's going to be in fashion, but it's not impossible. Publishers may do some research and check what could become popular. For example, if we know that a popular superhero movie will be on screen in a couple of months, the publisher will build a cool landing page with clothes and accessories on the superhero topic. A lot of fans will be happy to buy that stuff.

When will I start getting  paid from admittad?

Summing up, we can say that you can get your first money in about a week from the start, but according to your experience, you'll be able to pay it in a month or so (you cannot payout small sums).

There's one more thing you need to hear about – life cookies and the Last Win cookie idea. Cookie—the data that is attached to the user and that can be monitored via this cookie. This could include username and passwords on various websites (so that you do not need to log in at all times), personal interests, and what is important to the publisher – the affiliate connection used by the customer. So if you have posted an affiliate link and the customer has seen it, clicked on it, then something has annoyed him and left the website or simply chosen to compare this product with similar ones, the details he has clicked on your affiliate link would be held within a lifetime cookie if the customer has not clicked some other affiliate link from another publisher. And here we can see what the Last Cookie Win idea is—an advertiser pays to a publisher whose affiliate connection was last clicked. This means that if the customer first clicked on your link, but then clicked on someone else's link, the last link will work and the publisher will get the payment. That's why publishers should make very enticing advertisements so that consumers want to purchase promotional items at once.

Tips: start many campaigns at once, test them, create something special for you and be patient. Advertising campaigns should be created and extended in such a way that they begin to bring in revenue.

why should I Join affiliate networks?

Let's cheer up, the affiliate networks aren't that bad, and there are a lot of benefits working with them. As seen below:
  • First of all, the money. Here, we can equate work with an affiliate network to being an employer. When you work for a company that you know there's always a last step in your career stairs, it means you're going to stop progressing at some stage in your career, and you're always going to rely on your employee. On the opposite, when you're working with your affiliate networks, you're your boss, all your earnings are up to you and depend on how much effort you've made, it's like running your own company. You gain as much as you work to turn your time, resources, and benefit efforts.
  • Expansion. The sum of money you can make depends only on your ambition and determination. Time is the only thing that can set limits in this business. It's only you who will decide how much time to invest on campaigns, how to spend this time, and whether it's going to be your full-time company or a side job.
  • You may not need a special degree to work with affiliate programs, but expertise and experience in marketing, PR or sales would be beneficial. There are no courses that will teach you how to work in this business. But, well, you can find out more about it by yourself, you just need to be patient and curious. And, of course, you need some source that would aggregate and structure all useful knowledge, show realistic cases and clarify all, and here comes the Admitad Academy that does it all.

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