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How to build relationships with other bloggers

Its one among the strategies you can use to get backilinks and also to promote your blog to other bloggers
build relationships with other bloggers for backlinks

This often ignored tactic can get thousands of visitors to your blog. Make a list of blogs in your industry. Wide and low.

And find the contact details of those blog members. If you include broad blogs in your collection, consider also the writers and contributors.

It's very important to find certain people's email addresses. Chrome extensions such as Email Hunter can be used.

Once you have found all the information start reaching them out. There are many models for email out there, but most are for exchanging the material with these users. I don't want this to happen to you. Not at the beginning. Your first email may be something like this to those people:

Hi, Alex
Kelvin is my name and I'm a big fan of your blog. I read your recent post on[ article topic] and got confused about[ insert any article-related question].
The article has been truly informative. Just battled the[ same article-related question] and wondering if you could help me out.
Also, there are some really cool posts in your blog and I really wanted to connect and get to know you better.
connecting with great bloggers like you is good. :) Anyway thanks for such awesome posts and I hope you'll keep pumping out great content.
Thank you,
Today, personalisation is the key to successful outreach. The more intimate your email is, the sooner you'll receive a response.

When you think you're going to send people an email with a link to your post, you'll fail.

So hold on to the conversation once you send this email. Support them out with your own unique ways of doing something. When they question you and your site about it, then just discuss it with them. It's because bloggers are smart and they realize why you are getting in touch with them.

They will realize your true intentions even after a good' introduction email' and you will never hear back from them again which is very bad.

Therefore, build relationships rather than sharing your content with these people

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  1. Creating these partnerships isn't simple and you should spend a great deal of time in it. Next, there's something you need to provide to them: information, resources, free samples, or anything else.

    Next, you need to find connections with them and inquire about the opportunity to work together. If you're working in the same field, guest blogging can be provided, any support with the optimization etc. Don't be afraid to ask again for something.

    Serious blogs are usually very expensive, and need material of maximum standard. Many young people, who are just emerging, will be happy to work together if they see a partnership value.
  2. Sounds difficult but not impossible. Google search is the easiest way to strengthen your blogging relationships with the niche blogger concerned, but you can also use other blogger communication tools such as http:/

    That means you would meet thousands of important blogs in your field and collaborate on SEO goals.

    You can also become a popular guest blogger by writing high-quality and insightful content for high-level websites that allow professional bloggers to write guest posts.
  3. Again the new hoopla implies that guest blogging is dead and gone. Guest blogs can be very useful to the SEO of your website as with the backlinking. You can only help you if you work with famous authors who are experts in their business.

    You must be watchful when you screen potential bloggers for this tactic to work. Interview them, look at their history and compare them to what they wrote before to ensure that you have a truly unique material. Following Google's quality advice will give you enormous traffic and improve your rating of the search engine your guest blog from a renowned source.
  4. How much do guest bloggers make?
    1. I saw many well-established websites go down this path and lose all credibility.

      It is a slippery path when guest blogging is treated as a side-company, as quality control always goes down.

      Google regularly penalize websites full of low-quality contents and provide a poor value for money when you rate guest posts as well.

      Content is created 24/7, everybody trying to reach the same audience, that's why they insist on high quality content and don't worry about rejecting content that doesn't meet these standards.

      Consider guest blogging as a two-way link to boost brand awareness on both platforms, and to communicate with new audiences.
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