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best ad-network for Anchor and Slider ads

Anchor and Slider ads are the best ads to maximize your ads revenue due to there high CPM and also they have high Click Through Rate (CTR).
Anchor and Slider ads are the best ads to maximize your ads revenue due to there high CPM and also they have high Click Through Rate (CTR). So Fur Adsense holds the best anchor ads which appears in mobiles and tables but not on PC which would have been more profitable to have floating ads on big screens. anyway thats my point of view. So lets get to the point.

First, Lest get a little knowledge about Anchor and slider ads. For those who don't know. Lets start with;

Anchor Ads

These are Ads are mostly used in mobile ads and they usually found at the botton of the screen regardless of the user scrolling they will still be visiable until the user clicks the Ad or eventually closes it and some of them can be expanded to larger ad units.

Anchor Ads
Anchor Ads

Slider Ads

They can also be referred to as floating ads or catfish Ads. They are usually banner ads which tend to slide in or fade in withing a short period of time after the page has fully loaded. The main thing which differentiates slider Ads from banner Ads is that This slider Ads moves with the page as the user scrolls up or down and they will only go away once they are closed by the user by clicking the close button or clicked which obviously will open a new tab. 

Slider Ads
Slider ads

Which Is the Best Anchor and Slider ads Network?

yX Media - Monetize your website traffic with us
This is one among the best ad-network with the best anchor and slider ads which I have used so fur. And what I like the most about Yllix .comis the 100% fill rate that means every user impression will be served with ads so no money left on the table.

They also have various other ad formates for you to explore but for me I prefer them for slider and anchor ads.

you can visit there website 


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