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What Is Fliiby Monetization Program?

Fliiby publisher program is AD revenue sharing program that can help you monetize your valuable digital content.

What Is Fliiby Monetization Program?

The Fliiby Monetization Program allows creative artists to monetize content on Fliiby through advertisements. In order to join our Monetization Program, artists can take advantage of the variety of resources, features, and programs that Fliiby provides to help them build profiles and their audience.
Benefits of the Fliiby Monetization Program
As a Fliiby Publisher, your eligible videos, music, images, documents or other files may generate money from relevant ads and/or fees.
Other benefits of the Publisher Monetization include:
Expand your earning potential Fliiby is a growing community with millions of views, allowing you to reach a global audience with your monetized content.
Gain flexibility through a non-exclusive agreement Fliiby doesn't restrict where publishers can upload and distribute their content, allowing you to monetize your content on Fliiby and elsewhere. Non-exclusivity means that you remain the rightful holder of the content you distribute.
Fliiby publisher program is AD revenue sharing program that can help you monetize your valuable digital content.

What Is Fliiby Monetization Program?

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